The $14 Cocktail
My husband likes air conditioning a little too much. The
room was downright chilly. I opened the balcony door to our Ritz Carlton hotel
room and the early morning heat of Tucson felt wonderful on my goose pimpled
skin. I made myself a cup of hotel Starbucks coffee, put it in the Ritz logoed
cup and sat on the balcony drinking and breathing in some warmth.
I had arrived in Tucson the previous afternoon. My husband
arrived the day before that. He was attending a business conference. I was on
vacation. My husband would be done with his meetings by noon and we had planned
to do some hiking, but until then the morning was my own and I planned to fill
it with some reading-by-the-pool time. Even though the sky was cloudy from Hurricane
Odile, the air was warm and getting warmer as I headed toward the resort pool.

As I rounded the corner to the pool’s gate, two pretty young
girls, one blonde and one brunette, both said good morning to me in a cheery
tone. They were writing in colored markers on the pool information board. In
the top left corner of the board it said “Drink of the Day.” Below it in curly
letters that the girls had just written it said Turquesa Dream followed by a
list of ingredients. The first two were Bacardi and Malibu.
“Is it too early for the drink of the day?” I asked.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. The kitchen doesn’t open for another
hour, but if the bartender is here I think we can get you a drink.
“Ya know, 9:30 probably is a little early,” I said. “I can
get one later. That’s fine.”
The brunette followed me through the gate and grabbed two
towels from the towel stand. Another young girl was also standing there. I was
expecting her to hand me the towels, but instead she asked me where I wanted to
sit and began to head down the steps to the pool. I followed and pointed to a
chair in the middle of the pool past a woman who was already settled on a lounge
chair with a book in her hands. Rain from Hurricane Odile was in the forecast
so I picked a chair under an umbrella. The brunette placed one towel on the
seat of the lounge chair and the other towel she draped over the back.
“Just let us know if you need anything else,” she said as
she walked away.
I had barely sat down when a different blonde girl walked over
and said she heard I was interested in the Drink of the Day.
“Uh, sure,” I said. “Why not.”
She left and I put my feet up on the lounge chair and gazed
over the infinity pool to the resort building. Then I reached for my smartphone
in my bag when a handsome young man came over. He wore khaki shorts and a white
polo shirt. He introduced himself as Joel and asked if my umbrella was OK. I
said it was fine. He said if there was anything I needed, to just let him know.
I thanked him and he walked away.
I went back to my smartphone to pull up the book I had
downloaded on it. Then another handsome young man came over in white shorts and
a black polo and introduced himself as Anthony and offered his hand to shake,
which I did. He asked if my umbrella was OK or if I wanted him to move it. I
said it was fine. He then said if I needed anything at all, to let him know. I
thanked Anthony and he walked away. As he walked away I could see the pretty
blonde girl returning with a glass on her small round serving tray. As she
walked by the other woman reading her book, that woman perked up and asked the
blonde what she was holding. I could see the blonde talking to the woman, but with
her back to me I couldn’t hear the words. However, I did hear the lounging woman
say that she wanted one too. The blonde then walked over to me with my Turquesa

“Are you OK or do you need me to move this umbrella?” he
said as he started to reach for the umbrella’s stand.
“Ah, no, it’s fine.”
“OK, but if you need to move it, just let me know.”
“OK,” I said as he walked away. How many different people
work here anyway?
Again, I picked up my smartphone to read my book. I had
downloaded Mark Twain’s book The Innocents
Abroad or The New Pilgrims’ Progress, his tome about an excursion to Old
World Europe and the Holy Land. He was somewhere in the Middle East traveling
the desert on horseback. He was not impressed by it, the heat, the food, the endless
rocks and the barren villages filled with the poorest of the poor. He found it
overwhelming and insufferable. I too was in the desert, sitting next to a pool
with a cool beverage and an umbrella to shade me from the sun that was still
behind some Odile clouds and keep me getting wet from occasional rain drops.
I finally had some uninterrupted time reading and drinking. After
many minutes I left Mr. Twain somewhere near the Sea of Galilee and decided to
pay for my cocktail. What the wait staff didn’t know I was took a Diet Coke
from the 12-pack we purchased at a grocery store yesterday and brought it with
me to the pool so I wouldn’t have to pay pool prices for soda. Clever, right? I
grabbed my wallet from my bag and did some estimating in my head. A regular
cocktail at a regular pool would be $7-8, right? But a cocktail by the pool of
a Ritz Carlton would be more, I guessed $10-12. However, this particular
cocktail was the “Drink of the Day” so it must have been on special. Hmmm. This
cocktail could be anywhere between $8-12. I grabbed a ten dollar bill and a
five dollar bill from my wallet and put them under my now empty glass.
As if on cue, the blonde server returned and asked if need
another cocktail or anything else. I said no, please tab me out and she had to
leave to go get my ticket. That was unexpected. I had another five minutes to
myself. She returned and handed me a receipt and said I could pay whenever I
was ready. Fortunately for me she turned and walked away because my jaw hit the
concrete when I saw the bill. The “Drink of the Day” was $14; with tax it was
$15.63. A $14 cocktail? And this was the “Drink of the Day?” I quickly and
hopefully discretely put my $15 dollars back in my wallet since it wasn’t
enough to pay the bill and grabbed a $20. I had three guys and two girls visit
me this morning and I wondered if the tips were spread among the pool staff. I
decided to just give the server the $20 and let her keep the change and hope it
was distributed among the rest of the pool staff. I went back to reading my book and the pretty blonde came
and picked up my $20.
“I’ll get you some change,” she said.
“Oh, no that’s not necessary,” I said. She thanked me very
much and left. I had many more minutes of uninterrupted reading time. That was
followed by some hot tub time and another few minutes of lounging on
the in-pool lounge chairs before the intermittent rain finally chased me away.
Later that evening my husband and I attended a dinner hosted
by the organization running the conference. This was after my husband and I
spent the afternoon on a NINE-MILE HIKE through Dove Mountain Canyon, which is
a story I will save for another blog. The dinner was held at a restaurant at
the Ritz’s golf course and had spectacular views of the valley. The clouds of
Hurricane Odile had a wonderful effect on the evening’s sunset. The
organization held an open bar reception before the dinner where we mixed and
mingled with other couples attending the conference. We also chatted with a
fellow from Canada who worked with my husband.
“It was great,” he said. “It was nice to relax by the pool.”
“Yeah,” I said. “That’s what I did this morning.”
“Yeah, it was great, but man, things sure are expensive
here,” he added. “I paid $18 for a burger.”
“Did you have the’ Drink of the Day’,” I asked.
“I dunno, but I had some cocktail that they told me was on
special. “
“Was it green?” I asked.
“Yeah, it was,” he said. “It was good, but it was….”
“Fourteen dollars!” I said with him in unison.
“Wait, you bought a
$14 cocktail?!” my husband asked while giving me the stink eye. I shrugged.
“What is it with
these resorts and their exorbitant prices,” asked our friend. “That’s crazy!”
That’s why they call it ‘the Ritz.’
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